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Upgrad spring for Snow Wolf Kar98k-M130


Upgrad spring for Snow Wolf Kar98k-M130

WELL MB03 140 m/s FPS spring (VSR140)


WELL MB03 140 m/s FPS spring (VSR140)

MAG MA100 Non Linear Spring for VSR-10 Series


MAG MA100 Non Linear Spring for VSR-10 Series

Silverback HTI Spring 125 Newton


HTI type spring, level 5 (125 Newton) The Silverback spring here is the HTI type and specifically designed to work with the HTI bolt action sniper rifle. Being an original...

FPS WELL MB03 120 m/s FPS spring


WELL MB03 120 m/s FPS spring has been calibrated on original sniper rifle. The material used is steel wire burnished and pre-hardened carbon steel with addition of silicon and chromium...

WELL MB03 100 m/s FPS spring (VSR100+)


WELL MB03 100 m/s FPS spring has been calibrated on original sniper rifle.Of course with shorter or longer barrel the performance will decrease or increase, therefore the calibration will be...